Wednesday 10 March 2010

Australia Endeavour Awards

Today, I went to a little function here in Canberra. It was about the Australia Endeavour Awards, which are given to outstanding students from abroad who want to come and study in Australia, but also to Australian students going abroad.

Interestingly, most of the awardees either came from Asia (mostly Southeast Asia) or went to Asia for their studies (I met two Australians who are going to Beijing later this year for one year study and one year internship at a company). These are amazing programmes, not just for students but also to foster intercultural dialogue and exchange, I think.

All the worse then that I was the only European at this function. It was all about Asia, Asia and Asia. A lady from the Endeavour Awards team came to me though and happily said that they have now just started to include Europe too.

Of course this is all again just proof how much Australia is veering towards Asia. It wants to understand Asia better but also improve the Asian people's image of Australia. It is also desperate for human resources, and interestingly it wants to recruit them in Asia too.

Perhaps however, the fact that I was the only person representing a European country at this meeting also shows our indifference to Australia. No wonder Australia is turning to Asia instead.

The meeting itself was a attended by a curious mix of diplomats, (interestingly only from Southeast Asia and the Middle East) award winners and programme administrators. I, being a junior member of an Embassy dont get taken quite so seriously by the attending diplomats, it seems.

The Vietnamese Ambassador looked at my name and function in disbelief and gave his business card to other people in the group, not to me though. It seems that representing a country is sometimes not enough for some people, you also have to look "senior and important".

In the meantime, while the Syrian, Sri Lankan and Vietnamese Ambassadors enjoyed each other's company, drinking several glasses of wine each, with their Mercedes Benz Limousines including drivers waiting outside, I went about my business and made great contacts with Australians who work in the education business. I told them about my country and how we are interested to have more exposure for our universities here in Australia, and they were delighted.

This little function was just one of a plethora of meetings, functions, exhibition openings, presentations and excursions to which all the Ambassadors are invited literally every single day. I dont know how much important links and connections they make during these events but I suspect the food and wine is just as important...

To quote my Ambassador, after I gave someone a choice of 4 possible dates to meet him. "Cancel two of these, an Ambassdor doesnt have THAT much time."

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